Austin Organic Village Newsletter Kratom And Social Media Marketing

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Consumers who have been in the kratom world for some time are used to the lack of a marketing presence and outright kratom discussion on social media platforms. For those that are new to kratom, navigating kratom and social media can be confusing. Searching kratom on facebook, or instagram pulls up surprisingly few results. The reason for this is complicated. Discussing kratom on social media at all is complex and needs to be handled with care. 

For newcomers to kratom who are trying to find a place to ask questions on social media, this guide will help. Is kratom on social media? The answer is a resounding yes. Consumers of kratom congregate in special groups to help support each other and answer questions for newbies. Those groups will not have the word “kratom” in the title but are there to be found. 

Why Is Kratom Hard To Find On Social Media?-

Most vendors began marketing on facebook between 5 and 8 years ago. In fact, at one point there were so many vendors that it was hard to know who to go to. New vendors would pop up overnight and consumers would use word of mouth or kratom group recommended vendors to know which vendors were good and which were lacking. The American Kratom Association (AKA) was run mostly on facebook and was facing  a lot of battles in individual states in order to keep kratom legal. Most of those states were won, but a few were lost. News spread like wildfire from state to state about kratom and the consumers who were finding the plant useful in their own lives. Kratom consumers and the AKA had a huge federal win against the DEA. Kratom consumers were feeling empowered and kratom stories and testimonies were all over social media. Then came the FDA. Special interest groups lobbied the FDA to try to make kratom go away and kratom consumers faced another huge federal battle. The FDA began cracking down on what vendors could say and how kratom could be marketed. 

Austin Organic Village and other vendors cannot talk about dosage, uses, or benefits. On social media vendors are restricted even further. Vendors cannot market, advertise, offer sales, contests, or anything else outright. Facebook uses AI to run their monitoring, so even mentioning kratom by name can be problematic. Vendors, not knowing about the new restrictions that facebook and instagram were imposing, were getting their groups shut down and getting up to 30 day bans for posts that were several years old. Kratom vendor groups that didn’t get shut down, got a major overhaul and made rules  for their members to follow. The word “kratom” became “botanicals”, “herbs”, or “speciosa.” Kratom discussion groups stopped having recommended vendors and also restricted the use of the word “kratom”. Group owners had to spend countless hours removing any possible problematic post. The kratom world may have been pressed down, but they aren’t gone. 

How To Find A Kratom Vendor Group Or Discussion Group-

If there’s a kratom vendor that was found searching google, search the name of the vendor on facebook. Not all vendors have them, but many do. Request to be added to the group and make sure to answer all of the questions. It is really important to read all of the rules once admitted into a group and to follow them closely. If group members do not follow the rules, then the group can be shut down by facebook. The vendor run kratom groups are often run for customers to be able to help each other with questions that a vendor or its employees cannot legally answer, and for other random advice from fellow kratom consumers. 

Finding a discussion group can be a bit more complicated. The best way to find a discussion group is probably to post in a vendor group and ask other consumers to help by naming or sending an invitation to the discussion groups individually. Another way to possibly find a discussion group is to join the American Kratom Association page or group and quietly ask individuals there. 


Navigating social media for kratom resources while being a newcomer can be quite difficult. Twitter is perhaps the easiest platform to quickly find kratom resources. Unfortunately, there are not as many vendors or pages to get advice from on Twitter. The majority of the kratom world began on Facebook and Instagram, and has continued to reside there for better or worse. Messaging vendors directly on their website to get links to their facebook groups or help with an order is always another option. Austin Organic Village tries to be present on as many platforms as possible, and to make the website user friendly with readily available customer service reps who are monitoring incoming messages. Please don’t be afraid to message in and ask questions. Our kratom company is there to help if at all possible.  If unable to answer a specific question, the customer service reps will help you find a place where quick and thorough answers are available.