Green MD Kratom, also known as Green Maeng Da, offers a balanced combination of effects, containing both energizing and pain-relieving properties. It is a specific strain of kratom that is made from leaves that are harvested when they’re young.
What Are The Effects Of Green MD Kratom?
This strain of kratom is said to provide a mild energy boost and increased focus while also offering pain relief and relaxation.
How Do I Use Green MD Kratom?
Mix the powder with water or your favorite beverages! Some people prefer to make teas or ingest the powder in capsule form. Dosage varies depending on individual tolerance and desired effects.
What Sets Green MD Kratom Apart From Other Strains?
Kratom strains are typically classified based on the color of the veins in the leaves and the region they are sourced from. Green MD Kratom is known for its balanced effects, while other strains are known for other benefits. For more information about this strain and others in our inventory, get in touch with our experts!
Can I Use Green MD Kratom For Pain Relief, Anxiety, Or Depression?
Some users have reported positive effects on pain management and mental health conditions. However, be sure to consult with your healthcare professional before adding any supplement to your wellness routine. Our products are not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.
Please limit 3 single separate OUNCES total of all colors and strains combined. If wanting more variety single ounces, please order the starter kit, which is 6 ounces, 6 different strains.
Terms of Use
We DO NOT sell any of our products with any medical claims.
This product is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease.
Our products are not intended for use by pregnant or nursing women or if you have a medical condition.
DO NOT combine with alcohol or ANY prescription medications.
Not for sale to persons under 21.
Our product is a 100% unadulterated botanical specimen harvested without pesticides.
Ingredients: Kratom powder
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