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Various Types Of Kratom Powder and Its Effects | Austin Organic Online

Various Types Of Kratom Powder and Its Effects | Austin Organic Online

Kratom is a herbal drug and scientifically known as “MITRAGYNA SPECIOSA” This herbal has its origin in Indonesia. There are several herbs of Kratom grown by farmers in these Asian countries. It is usually offered in the container as a powder or in the form of squashed leaves. One technique is generally used in the … Read more

Benefits of Taking Kratom Powder, Is Kratom safe For Health?

Benefits of Taking Kratom Powder, Is Kratom safe For Health_

Kratom has become a significant advanced leap in the real world for its herbal and medicinal benefits. Various kratom benefits have been found in recent years, and there is no end to the superiority of the Kratom medical herbs. For everyone out there is suffering for a long time because of their diseases. You will … Read more

Everything Gold Kratom

Written By: Amanda Boyles Gold Kratom?- Most kratom consumers know about red, green, and white kratom strains, but what is the gold kratom strain? Answering this question is not as straightforward as answering this about other strains. The evolution of gold kratom takes quite a few twists and turns. There are multiple ways kratom powder … Read more

Kratom Recipes

Written By: Amanda Boyles Looking for something unique to write about can sometimes be a challenge. After scouring the internet for hours and stumbling across a treasure trove of kratom recipes, this newsletter was quickly decided. Kratom consumers are constantly looking for new ideas to make the consumption process more pleasant. Here are the most … Read more


What Are Nootropics? Nootropics are  substances that are believed to enhance the mind’s ability to focus, retain memory, raise cognitive ability, and overall enhance brain performance. Anything from a supplement, botanical, prescription, over the counter drug, or other substance can be considered a nootropic. These brain enhancers are gaining in popularity as more people are … Read more

Kratom and Hydration

kratom and hydration

Staying Hydrated Is Essential When Using Kratom Kratom is a diuretic. Diuretics cause the body to release water, sodium, and nutrients by producing more urine which can cause dehydration. There are a lot of known diuretics, including caffeine, alcohol, ginger, and parsley. When consuming diuretics, water intake should be increased accordingly. And since kratom is … Read more

Alkaloids and Kratom

What Are Alkaloids?- Plants are made up of chemicals called phytochemicals, which literally translates to plant chemicals. Some phytochemicals are chemical compounds classified as alkaloids. Alkaloids are classified as such because they tend to have a noticeable physiological effect when consumed. Alkaloids are naturally occurring in many plants like coffee, tea, different flowers, and even … Read more

The Fight for Kratom

benefits of taking kratom powder

Austin Organic Village is proud to announce that we are GMP-compliant and a GMP-certified vendor. We are now one of 26 American Kratom Association Qualified Vendors. Proper certification protects vendors and consumers during the continued fight to keep kratom legal and allows us to continue to grow and serve more consumers. What Do GMP and … Read more

Managing Kratom Tolerance

kratom powder on a spoon

Kratom tolerance occurs when the body grows accustomed to its presence and it begins to require a higher dosage to achieve the same results. It is possible to build a tolerance to many things. Kratom is no different. There are a number of ways to manage and minimize kratom tolerance issues, including tolerance breaks, blending … Read more